Active Ingredient Reports

This page contains Pesticide Reporting Law data that has been converted into the active ingredients that are contained in the reported products. Please note that some of the PRL data could not be converted; for more information please contact us.

  1. Sales Data (Commercial Permit holders) - The data in these reports are based on commercial permit holders who sell or offer for sale restricted use pesticides and those who sell general use pesticides intended for agricultural crop production. The data have been collected from source reports filed by businesses that hold valid New York State commercial pesticide sales permits. The data set is summarized for the entire state and by county and zip code.

    Annual Report for Pesticide Sales to Certified Private Applicators:

  2. Manufacturers, Compounders, and Importers Sales Data - The data in these reports are based on sales of restricted use pesticides to individuals with a valid commercial applicator certification, including those that possess a purchase permit and businesses with commercial pesticide sales permits.

    The end use report reflects sales, including purchase permit sales to commercial applicators that intend to apply pesticides. The resale report reflects sales to commercial permit holders that intend to resell the pesticide product. Since products may be sold multiple times, the quantities in the resale report may reflect duplicate sales of the same pesticide product(s).

    Annual Report for Restricted Pesticides Sales:

  3. Usage Data - The data in these reports are from commercial applicators that are required to report each pesticide application, at least annually, with the Department. The data have been collected from source reports filed by businesses that hold valid New York State pesticide business registrations and by individuals with a valid commercial applicator or technician certification. The data set is summarized for the entire state and by county and zip code.

    Applicator/Technician Pesticide Annual Report:


Search AI Names - this search also links to the active ingredient code searches.

Report Statistics and Maps